How much madni Surah are there ?
- 44
- 88
- 28
- None of these
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During Which prayer, the change of Qibla happened?
- Asar
- zuhr
- Fajar
- Magrib
- None of these
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How many prayers have no Azan?
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
- None of these
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In which hijri year Qibla was change?
- 4
- 3
- 5
- 2
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What is the most Important Ebadat of Islam from the choices given below :
- Zakat
- Roza
- Hajj
- Namaz
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What is the ruling on the use of miswaak by the fasting person?
- Disliked
- Prohibited
- Farz
- Recommended
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- Salat-e-Hajat
- Salat-e–Istasqa
- Salat-e-Istakhara
- Salat-e-Eid
- None of these
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The last bow (sajda) of the Holy Qur’an is in which Surah?
- Surah Quraish
- Surah Insiqaq
- Surah Nooh
- Surah Hadeed
- Surah Alaq
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What is the literal meaning of Salawt?
- Pray
- Contract
- Communication
- All
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On which time the Holy Prophet (PBUH )was gifted with Namaz?
- Miraj
- Hijrat
- Badr
- none
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Which one is read before the start of namaz
- Takbeer
- Darood shareef
- surah Ikhlas
- None
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When were five Salats become obligation?
- 10th Nabawi
- 7th Nabawi
- 4th Nabawi
- 8th Nabawai
- 5th Nabawi
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“Namaz-e-Istisqa” is prayer for
- COVID-19
- Lunar eclipse
- Solar eclipse
- Rain
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First Azan was called out in___ A.H.
- 1 A.H.
- 2 A.H.
- 3 A.H.
- 4 A.H.
- None of these
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There are _______________ obligatory prayers in a day.
- Six
- Seven
- Five
- Four
- None of these
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5th pillar of Islam is?
- Namaz
- Roza
- Hajj
- Zajat
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Salat-e-Khasoof is performed at the occassion of ___________?
- Solar eclipse
- Shortage of rain
- Lunar eclipse
- None of the above
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The Short period between two Sajda’s is called _____?
- Qayaam
- Jalsa
- Qauma
- Qaada
- None of these
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There are ______ farz in Ghusal?
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 6
- None of these
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Salat-e-Istasqa is offered on the occasion of?
- Shortage of Rain
- Solar eclipse
- Famin
- None of them
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Salat-e-Juma became Farz in which city _______?
- Makkah
- Maddina
- Taif
- None of the above
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When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) offered his first Eid prayer ______?
- 1 A.H
- 2 A.H
- 3 A.H
- 4 A.H
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Eid Prayer is ___?
- Sunnat
- Farz
- Wajib
- Mustahib
- None of these
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The permission for Tayammum was granted in _____?
- 3 A.H
- 2 A.H
- 1.A.H
- 4 A.H
- 8 A.H
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نمازخسوف ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ کے وقت ادا کی جاتی ہے۔
- چاند گرہن
- سورج گرہن
- دونوں
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
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First muazzin of Islam is
- Hazrat Bilal
- Hazrat umar
- Abu bakar
- Hazrat ali
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نماز کسوف کس موقع پر پڑھی جاتی ہے؟
- سورج گرہن
- زلزلہ
- چاند گرہن
- بہت بارش
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نماز خسوف کس موقع پر پڑھی جاتی ہے
- سورج گرہن
- زلزلہ
- چاند گرہن
- بہت بارش
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Hazrat Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him offered Eid Prayer for the first time in_____?
- 1st Hijrah
- 2nd Hijrah
- 3rd Hijrah
- None of the above
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Name the First Jannati Shaheed who neither offered any prayer nor kept any fast?
- Hazrt Aseeram bani Abdul Ashal (RA)
- Hazrt Swaid bin Samit (RA)
- Hazrt Saad bin Maaz (RA)
- Hazrt Harram bin Malhan (RA)
- None of these
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When ‘Eid ul Adha’ is Celebrated?
- Twentieth day of the last month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar [Zil Hajj]
- Tenth day of the last month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar – Zil Hajj
- First day of the last month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar – Zil Hajj
- At the end of the month of Ramadhan
- Depend on Moon
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In which Islamic month Nafal prayer is equal to Farz prayer?
- Safar
- Rajab
- Shaban
- Ramadan
- None of these
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الصلوت عماد الدين ميں کس چيز کی اھميت بيان کی گی ھے؟
- قرآن کی
- نماز کی
- ھديث کی
- روزہ کی
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عيدين کی نماز ميں کتنی رکتيں ھوتی ھيں؟
- ۲
- ۳
- ۴
- ۵
- ۲۲
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Eid ul fitr first performed on which date?
- 2 AH
- 3 AH
- 4 AH
- 5 AH
- 1 AH
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جہری نماز سے کیا مراد ہے؟
- وہ نماز جو خشوع و خضوع سے ادا کی جائے
- وہ نماز جس میں امام قرات نہ کرے
- وہ نماز جو خشوع و خضوع سے ادا نہ کی جائے
- وہ نماز جس میں امام بلند آواز میں قرآت کرتا ہے
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
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Salat e Shukar is
- Mustahab
- Nafal
- Farz
- All
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Namaz e Taraweeh is?
- sunnat
- farz
- wajib
- Both a & c
- None of these
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In salat, saying Darood is____?
- Mustahab
- Sunnah
- Farz
- Wajib
- Sunnah Muakkadah
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Which surah contains information about Wazu, Tayyamum ,etc?
- Al Noor
- Al Rehman
- Al Tauba
- Al Maida
- All
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The first Nimaz-e-Janazah performed by Holy Prophet (SAWS) was of which Sahabi?
- Asad bin Zaraara
- Yasir ibn Amir
- Sumayya bint khabbat
- none
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Five prayers were declared compulsory in ?
- 10th Nabvi
- 9th Nabvi
- 11th Nabvi
- none
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The part of prayer the Holy Prophet did is called
- Farz
- Wajib
- Nafal
- Sunnat
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اسلام کے سب سے پہلے موذن کون تھے؟
- حضرت عمر رضی آللہ تعالی عنہ
- حضرت علی رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ
- ؑحضرت ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ
- حضرت بلال رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
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Name the first person who received three blows of arrows during prayer but did not discontinue his prayer?
- Hazrat Abaad bin Bashar (RA)
- Hazrat Saad bin Maaz (RA)
- Hazrat Harram bin Malhan (RA)
- Hazrat Swaid bin Samit (RA)
- None of these
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Who proposed Azan for the first time?
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Umer
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
- All of these
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How Much Takbeers were recieted by Moazin In Azan ?
- 6
- 4
- 7
- 8
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How many Takbeers are in Namaz-e-Janaza?
- Two
- Four
- Six
- One
- None of these
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By whom Prophet ﷺ learnt Salat & ablution?
- Hazrat Mekail (علیہ)
- Hazrat Essa (علیہ)
- Hazrat Mossa (علیہ)
- Hazrat Jibrail (علیہ)
- Hazrat Ibrahim (علیہ)
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Minimum Persons required for Namaz Ba-Jamaat?
- 4
- 2
- 1
- 7
- None of these
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Which is the first belief in Iman Mufassal:
- Prophethood
- Allah and Muhammad
- No deity except Allah
- All of these
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What is the first manifestation of faith in Islam
- Prayer
- Zakat
- Hajj
- All
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What is the religion of majority of Arabs before Islam?
- Buddhism
- Jewish
- Idolatrous
- Christian
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Pillars of Islam are ?
- Salat
- Soum
- Zakat and Hajj
- All
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The Tasbeeh of Subhana Subhana Rabu-al-Azeem is recieted in?
- Rakoh
- Sajda
- all
- none
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The Tasbeeh of Subhana Subhana Rabu-al-Alaa is recieted in?
- Sajda
- Rakuh
- Qaada
- None
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JALSA in Namaz is ____?
- Nafal
- Sunnah
- Farz
- Wajib
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Salat e Istikhara is performed for____?
- Comming Hajat
- Sunnah
- Fear
- rain
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To perform Salat e Istikhara is
- Nafal
- Sunnah
- Wajab
- none
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The Namaz e Janaza is ___
- Farz e Kaffaya
- Sunnat
- Wajab
- None
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Name the Nafli salat which can be offered after sunrise till on forth of the day?
- Ishraq
- Chasht
- Tahajjud
- All
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4 or 8 or 12 rakat offered in the late night is called ?
- Salat e Tahajjud
- Witer
- Sunnah
- All
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Which prayer is performed while standing in lines ?
- Funeral
- Rain
- Nafal
- All
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Muslim must face in the direction of ___ of Namaz
- Bait ul Maqadus
- Madina
- Khana Kaaba
- All
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The first question will be asked on the Day of Judgment is about :
- Namaz
- Fast
- Hajj
- All of these
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Maghrib prayer is offered just after the ____
- Sun set
- Before sun set
- At noon
- none
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Fajar, Zuhar, Asar, Maghrib and ___are compulsory salat
- Isha
- Eid
- Jumma
- None
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Prophet addressed Khutba-e- Jumaa for first time in __ Hijrah?
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
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Which of the following is the first practical manifestation of faith?
- Zakat
- Prayer
- Prayer
- All of these
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What is maximum number of Rakats in the Chasht prayer?
- 4
- 6
- 8
- 12
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Namaz-e-Kasoof is offered at the time of ____?
- earthquake
- Lunar eclipse
- Solar eclipse
- heavy rain
- None of these
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How many Sajdas are in Salat-e-Janaza?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Zero
- None of these
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Which one is an article of Faith___?
- Shahadat
- Zakat
- Belief in books
- Hajj
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At what age salah is made compulsory for a muslim child?
- 6 years
- 7 years
- 11 years
- 12 years
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At which occasion Salat became obligation (Farz)?
- Boycott
- Migration
- Miraj
- Visit to Taaif
- None of these
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The Act of Shortening ones prayer while on journey is called?
- Qasr
- Khusar
- Wajib
- Sunnat
- None of these
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The Tasbeeh of Subhana Rabi-al-Azeem is recited in?
- Sajda
- Rakuh
- Qaada
- None of the above
- All of the above
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The Tasbeeh of Subhana Rabi-al-Alaa is recited in?
- Sajda
- jalsa
- Raku
- Qada
- None of the above
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The Holy Prophet offered first Jumma prayer in______?
- 10 Nabvi
- 1 A.H
- 2 A.H
- None of these
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In which Islamic month Farz prayer is equal to 70 Farz prayer?
- Safar
- Rajab
- Sha’ban
- Ramadan
- None of these
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Which prayer is not obligatory for women?
- Juma prayer
- Isha prayer
- Maghrib prayer
- Fajir prayer
- None of these
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Which is the correct etiquette of Imam to deliver Friday Khutba?
- He is at liberty to face the Qiblah or audience
- He must face the audience and deliver Khutba
- He can face toward Qiblah and deliver Khutba
- All of the above
- None of these
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______is the person who performs prayer alone.
- Munfarid
- Musbaq
- Madurak
- None of these
- None of these
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The minimum number of people required for Jumu’ah prayer are___?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- None of these
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Saying Al-Hamdulillah is known as_____?
- Tareef e Allah
- Takbeer
- Tehleel
- Tasbeeh
- Tahmeed
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What does ‘Eid ul Adha’ mean?
- Festival of Sheep and Cattle
- Festival of Sacrifice
- Festival of Peace
- Festival of Enjoying
- None of these
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In Ramadan, Farz prayer is equal to ___?
- 70 Wajib Prayer
- 70 Farz prayer
- 70 Sunnat prayer
- 70 Nafal Prayer
- None of these
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___is the person who comes after one Rakat?
- Munfarid
- Musbaq
- Madurak
- None of these
- None of these
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What is the meaning of Etikaf?
- Purification
- Taharat
- Seclusion
- None of these
- None of these
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How many rakats are there in Eid ul fitr prayer?
- 4
- 3
- 8
- 2
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In Ramadan, Nafal prayer is equal to ___?
- Wajib Prayer
- Farz prayer
- Sunnat prayer
- Sunnat e Muakkadah prayer
- None of these
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______is the person who starts prayer with Immam?
- Munfarid
- Musbaq
- Madurak
- None of these
- All of these
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Name the term whose avoidance is rewarding and although doing it, is not a sin, yet it is a sort of vice?
- Mubah
- Makruh-i-Tehrimi
- Makruh-i-Tanzihi
- Mustahab
- None of these
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When for the first time Nimaz-e-Kisoof was offered____?
- 4 A.H
- 5 A.H
- 7 A.H
- 9 A.H
- None of these
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what is the first prayer of the day called?
- Qasr
- Asr
- Fajr
- Shuruq
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How many Farz are there in Ghusl ?
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
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“Dua e Qunoot” is recited in____prayer?
- Kasoof
- Khasoof
- Witr
- Istikhara
- None of these
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How many sunnah in the 4 faraiz of wudu/Abulution ?
- 13
- 12
- 11
- 14
- None of these
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To sit straight in Salat is called________?
- Qayaam
- Jalsa
- Qauma
- Qaada
- None of these
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There are _______ farz in wuzoo?
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 6
- 8
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The reward of which prayer is equal to the reward of Hajj or Umrah?
- Namaz-e-Janaza
- Namaz-e-Khasoof
- Namaz-i-Ishraq
- Namaz-e-Istasqa
- None of these
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Which is the most liked place by Allah Ta’ala?
- Bazar
- Shop
- Home
- Mosque
- None of these
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There are ______ farz in prayer?
- 13
- 12
- 11
- 17
- None of these
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In which Surah the process for doing the woozu is mentioned?
- Sura Baqrah
- Sura Esra
- Sura Ma’edah
- Sura Mujadala
- None of these
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Salat to supplicate for rain is called:
- Janaza
- Estisqaa
- Eid prayer
- Congragational
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Heart of a Muslim becomes black as mentioned in Hadith Nabvee when:
- He leaves Fajar prayer
- He leaves Asar prayer
- He leaves Esha prayer
- He leaves three timed consecutively Juma prayer
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How many Sunnah are in four obligations of Ablution?
- 18
- 13
- 10
- 15
- None of these
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In which timings the Namaz is prohibited?
- Sun at the mid
- Sun setting
- Sun rising
- All of these
- a & b
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Salat khusoof is performed at the occasion of:
- Drought
- Flood
- Lunar Eclipse
- Earthquake
- Solar Eclipse
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Who constructed mosque Zarrar?
- Muslims
- Kufar
- Disbelievers
- Hypocrites
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The Salat al Shukr is:
- Nafal
- Faraz
- Sunat
- None of these
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Which question is asked first in Roz e Akhrat?
- Roza
- Namaz
- Zakat
- Hajj
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A Muslim female is confined in:
- 8 sheets
- 6 sheets
- 5 sheets
- 3 sheets
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