MS EXCEL MCQs | Computer Past Paper MCQs

Computer Science MCQs – Computer Science Past Paper MCQs – Computer Past Paper MCQs – Computer Mcqs –

Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems. Unlike electrical and computer engineers, computer scientists deal mostly with software and software systems; this includes their theory, design, development, and application.


Worksheet in excel by default ___

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 1
  4. 4

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You can set border in Excel from ___

  1. From Line Style tool in Drawing toolbar
  2. You can not set page border in Excel
  3. From Border tool in Formatting toolbar
  4. none

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You can move a sheet from one workbook into new book by

  1. From Edit menu choose Move or Copy then select (new book) from To Book list and click OK
  2. From Edit menu choose Move of Copy then choose (Move to end) and click OK
  3. None of above
  4. none

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You can check the conditions against _____when applying conditional formatting

  1. Cell value
  2. Formula
  3. Both of above
  4. none

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You can use the formula palette to

  1. Enter assumptions data
  2. Create and edit formula containing functions
  3. Format cells containing numbers
  4. none

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You use to create chart?

  1. Wizard
  2. Ms word
  3. Excel
  4. None

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______ area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas

  1. Menu Bar
  2. Title Bar
  3. Formula Bar
  4. None

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______ the cell pointer indicate that you can move the content to other cell .

  1. Doctor’s symbol (Big Plus)
  2. Mouse Pointer with anchor at the tip
  3. Small thin plus icon
  4. All

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_______ is the short key to select the entire column in Excel.

  1. Alt + space bar
  2. Shift + space bar
  3. Control + space bar
  4. None of the above

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_______is not a valid data type in excel

  1. Number
  2. Label
  3. Character
  4. none

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________the cell pointer indicates that you can fill series

  1. Doctor’s symbol (Big Plus)
  2. Small thin plus icon
  3. Mouse Pointer with anchor at the tip
  4. None

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Color and pattern used to fill a closed shape is called?

  1. Shape
  2. WordArt
  3. Fill Style
  4. Fill Back

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Which one is not a Function in MS Excel?

  1. SUMB
  2. AVG
  3. MAXD
  4. MIN

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Ms Excel is a

  1. Spreadsheet program
  2. Multimedia software
  3. Entertainment software
  4. None

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A numeric value can be treated as label value if ________ precedes it.

  1. =
  2. ( ‘ )
  3. #
  4. None

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To edit in an embedded excel worksheet object in a word document?

  1. Edit the hyperlink
  2. Use the excel menu bar and toolbars inside the word application
  3. Both
  4. None

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The …… option is used to show a specific row or column on every printed page?

  1. Print preview
  2. Page layout
  3. Print title
  4. None

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In MS Excel, which function automatically total a column or row of values?

  1. SUM
  2. ADD
  3. TOTAL
  4. None

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To edit in an embedded excel worksheet object in a word document :

  1. Use the excel menu bar and tool bars inside the word application
  2. edit the hyperlink
  3. Use the word menu bar and tool bar
  4. None

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A numeric value can be treated as label value if ___precedes it

  1. Apostrophe
  2. Hash
  3. Exclamation
  4. All

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How columns are numbered in MS Excel?

  1. numeric
  2. alphabetic
  3. roman
  4. None

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in MS excel 2016, which of the following can be used to split windows into two?

  1. Format > Window
  2. View > Window> Spilt
  3. Window > Spilt
  4. View > Spilt

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To create table of columns and rows for statistical or mathematical calculation using spreadsheet, which software is used?

  1. Excel
  2. Word Pad
  3. Word Pertect
  4. Corel Draw

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MS Excel is based on

  1. UNIX
  2. DOS
  4. OS/2

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which of the following is not a valid Zoom percentage in Excel?

  1. 100
  2. 200
  3. 500
  4. None

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Which of the following methods can not be used to edit the contents of a cell?

  1. Double clicking the cell
  2. Press the Alt key
  3. Pressing the F2 key
  4. Clicking the formula bar

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How you can update the values of formula cell.If auto calculate the mode of excel cell is disabled

  1. f9
  2. f2
  3. f7
  4. none

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In Excel a small square in the lower-right corner of a selected cell is called:

  1. Fill Handle
  2. Fill Pointer
  3. Flash Fill
  4. None of these

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Which function in excel tells how many numeric entries are there?

  1. NUM
  2. COUNT
  3. SUM

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A computer application program that displays data arranged in rows and columns is called?

  1. Spreadsheet
  2. Register
  3. Form
  4. Box

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Microsoft excel is a powerful______

  1. Spreadsheet package
  2. Word processing package
  3. DBMS package
  4. None

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Which is not the function of “Edit clear command”?

  1. Delete cells
  2. Delete notes
  3. Delete contents
  4. None

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Which function is not available in the consolidate dialogue box ?

  1. Average
  2. Max
  3. Pmt
  4. None

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To return the reminder after the number is divided by a divisor in Excel we use the function ?

  1. ROUND ( )
  2. FACT ( )
  3. MOD ( )
  4. None

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To select an entire column in MS Excel, press?

  1. Ctrl +r
  2. Ctrl +s
  3. Ctrl +c
  4. none

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What do you mean by a workspace ?

  1. Group of Workbooks
  2. Group of Rows
  3. Group of Worksheets
  4. None

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Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using

  1. Complex Formulas
  2. Standard Formulas
  3. Array Formula
  4. All

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Which elements of a worksheet can be protected from accidental modification

  1. Scenarios
  2. Objects
  3. Contents
  4. All of the above

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What is the shortcut key to replace data with another in sheet ?

  1. Ctrl + Shift + R
  2. Ctrl + H
  3. Ctrl + R
  4. All

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Comments can be added to cells using __________

  1. Data > Comments
  2. Home > Comments
  3. Insert > Comment
  4. none

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Which menu can be used to split windows into two?

  1. Window > Split
  2. Review > Window
  3. View > Window > Split
  4. none

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Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called

  1. Accessing
  2. Referencing
  3. Updating
  4. none

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Which of following is not true about find and replace in excel

  1. You can search in formula too
  2. You can search for bold and replace
  3. You can search in formula too
  4. None

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While finding and replacing some data in Excel,which of following statement is valid

  1. You can Find and Replace within the sheet or workbook
  2. Excel does not have option to match case for find
  3. All
  4. None

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Which of following action removes a sheet from workbook?

  1. Select the sheet, then choose Edit > Delete Sheet
  2. Select the sheet then choose Format > Sheet > Hide
  3. Both
  4. None

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The delete key of keyboard is assigned to which command in excel ?

  1. Edit > Clear > All
  2. Edit > Clear > Contents
  3. Edit > Delete
  4. none

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If you need to remove only the formatting done in a range, you must

  1. From Edit menu choose Clear and then Formats B. From Edit menu choose Delete C. Click on Remove Formatting tool on Standard Toolbar
  2. Click on Remove Formatting tool on Standard Toolbar
  3. From Edit menu choose Delete
  4. None

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By default excel provides 3 worksheets. You need only two of them, how will you delete the third one?

  1. Both
  2. Click on Sheet 3 and from Edit menu choose Delete
  3. Right click on Sheet Tab of third sheet and choose Delete from the context menu
  4. none

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Edit> Delete Command

  1. Deletes selected cells
  2. Deletes Formats of cell
  3. Deletes the comment of cell
  4. All

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To remove the content of selected cells you must issue ___ commands

  1. Clear All
  2. Clear Delete
  3. Clear Contents
  4. All

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Which of following you can paste selectively using paste special command ?

  1. Formats
  2. Validation
  3. Formulas
  4. All of above

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Ctrl+R is used in excel to

  1. Fill the selection with active cells to the right
  2. Right align the content of cell
  3. Remove the cell contents of selected cells
  4. none

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Which of following series type is not valid for fill series dialogue box ?

  1. Time
  2. Autofill
  3. Growth
  4. All

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The command Edit >Fill Across worksheet is active only when

  1. One sheet is selected
  2. One sheet is not selected
  3. When many sheets are selected
  4. None

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Ctrl +D in MS Excel

  1. Fill down in the selection
  2. Open the font dialog box
  3. none
  4. All

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When a row of data is to be converted into columns

  1. Copy the cells then go to Cells then on Alignment tab click Transpose check box and click OK
  2. Copy the cells in column then choose Paste Special, then click Transpose and OK
  3. Select the cells then place the cell pointer on new cell and choose Paste Special, mark Transpose check box and click OK
  4. none

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Long text can be broken down into many lines within a cell.You can do this through

  1. Justify in Edit > Cells
  2. Wrap Text in Format > Cells
  3. None
  4. All

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MS Excel provides the default value for step in fill series dialogue box

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 5

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Which of the cell pointer indicates you that you make selection ?

  1. Mouse Pointer with anchor at the tip
  2. Small thin plus icon
  3. Doctor’s symbol (Big Plus)
  4. None

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Where can you change automatic or manual collection mode in Excel ?

  1. Double CAL indicator on status bar
  2. Go to File > Options > Formulas > Calculation Option – and mark the corresponding radio button
  3. both
  4. none

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How can you show or hide the grid-lines in Excel worksheet?

  1. Click Gridline tool on Forms toolbar
  2. Go to Tools > Options > View tab and mark or remove the check box named Gridline
  3. both
  4. none

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which option is not in Paste special dialogue box ?

  1. Subtract
  2. Divide
  3. SQRT
  4. none

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Which command will you choose to convert a column of data into row?

  1. Paste Special > Transpose
  2. Cut and Paste
  3. Special
  4. none

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It is acceptable to let long text flow into adjacent cells on a worksheet when

  1. There is not time to format the text
  2. No data will be entered in the adjacent cells
  3. Data will be entered in the adjacent cells
  4. none

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Use a _________ list to sort or fill in a user-defined order.

  1. Auto Fill Options
  2. Fill Series
  3. Custom List
  4. none

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Can you merge the main document with data source in excel. In mail merge operation, the word usually

  1. Server
  2. Client
  3. Source
  4. none

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Each excel file is a book that contains different sheets. Which of the following can not be a sheet in a workbook .

  1. Macro sheet
  2. Chart sheet
  3. Data sheet
  4. none

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The name box on to the left of formula bar

  1. Shows the name of worksheet currently working on
  2. Shows the name of cell or range currently working on
  3. Shows the name of workbook currently working on
  4. none

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Tab scroll buttons are place on excel screen

  1. Towards the bottom left corner
  2. Towards the bottom right corner
  3. Towards the bottom top right corner
  4. None

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Which tool you will use to join some cells and place the content at the middle of joined cell ?

  1. From Format Cells dialog box click on Merge Cells check box B. From Format Cells dialog box select the Centered alignment C. From Format Cells dialog box choose Merge and Center check box
  2. From Format Cells dialog box click on Merge Cells check box
  3. Merge Cells check box
  4. none

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When a range is selected, how can you activate the previous?

  1. Press Tab
  2. Press the Alt key
  3. Press Enter
  4. none

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Which of following is not the correct method of editing the cell content ?

  1. Press the Alt key
  2. Click the formula bar
  3. Press the F2 key
  4. none

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Which of following is invalid statement?

  1. The width of a row and be specified manually or fit automatically
  2. You can set the column width automatically fit the amount of text
  3. ome picture can be applied as a background of a sheet
  4. none

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Which of following is not true regarding conditional formatting?

  1. You can set condition to look for Bold and apply Italics on them
  2. You can add more than one condition to check
  3. You can apply Font, border and pattern formats that meets the specified conditions
  4. None of these

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When all the numbers between 0 and 100 in a range should be displayed in red color apply

  1. Use =if() function to format the required numbers red
  2. Apply Conditional Formatting command on Format menu
  3. Both
  4. None

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Where can you set the shading color of a range of cells in excel ?

  1. Choose required color on Fill Color tool in Formatting toolbar
  2. Choose required color on Fill Color tool in Drawing toolbar
  3. Choose required color form Patterns tab of Format Cells dialog box
  4. All

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How can you remove boarded applied on cells?

  1. Choose None on Border tab of Format cells
  2. Open the list on Border tool in Format Cell toolbar then choose first tool
  3. Both
  4. none

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Which of following format you can decide to apply or not in or not in auto formatted dialogue box?

  1. Font format
  2. Number format
  3. Border format
  4. All of above

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In MS Excel ready-made templates are available under ______tab in new option .

  1. file
  2. Count
  3. Table
  4. none

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___ is the term used when one has to press and hold the left mouse key and move the mouse around the slide.

  1. Monitoring
  2. Highlighting
  3. Dragging
  4. none

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Normally, A spread contains:

  1. documents
  2. rows
  3. rows and columns
  4. columns

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Constant value in excel also called ?

  1. Number
  2. words
  3. mark
  4. None

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Formula in Excell starts with

  1. +
  2. =
  3. [

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What is used to split long text in excel within the cell?

  1. Wrap text
  2. Click next
  3. All
  4. None

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What is the default slide name in MS Excel?

  1. presentation1
  2. Book1
  3. document1
  4. None of the above
  5. all of the above

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Which of following is an active cell in excel?

  1. Cell address
  2. Range
  3. Formula
  4. Current cell

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In — tab you will find auto sum button:

  1. formatting tab
  2. Formulas tab
  3. standard tab
  4. none

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What is active cell in MS-Excel ______?

  1. Rectangular box
  2. Pointer
  3. Nearing point of view
  4. None of the above

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Which of the following EXCEL feature allows users to evaluate values and return a result?

  1. Formula
  2. Formating
  3. Filters
  4. None of these

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Shortcut key to insert a new worksheet in Excel is _____.

  1. Shift + F8
  2. Shift + F9
  3. Shift + F10
  4. Shift + F11

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Which of following is not a valid zoom percentage in Excel?

  1. 10
  2. 100
  3. 300
  4. 500

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Which function will you use to enter current time in a woksheet cell ?

  1. =time()
  2. =nowtime()
  3. =now()
  4. =currentTime()

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Excel probably considers the cell entry November 1, 2020 to be a ___________

  1. Label
  2. Value
  3. Formula
  4. Text string

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Which shortcut key is for auto sum?

  1. Alt + =
  2. Ctrl + Shift
  3. Alt + F1
  4. Ctrl + =

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Columns in MS Excel are called?

  1. Fields
  2. Chart
  3. Both
  4. None

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MS-Excel uses the _____ function when creating a data table.

  1. Average
  2. count
  3. Both A and B
  4. Table

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A cell is defined as

  1. The intersection of a column and a row
  2. An input box
  3. a rectangular marker
  4. All of the above

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Data arrangements in cell is known as

  1. Sorting
  2. Delete
  3. Arrange
  4. None

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How a cell can be edit on Excel sheet?

  1. Edit contents of cell directly in cell
  2. Edit by typing in formula bar
  3. Edit mode
  4. All above mentioned

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