MES Past Papers MCQs – Military Engineer Services Past Paper MCQs – MES MCQs – Military Engineer Services MCQs
The concept of the Military Engineer Services dates back to the creation of the Indian Army under the British Crown. In the 18th century and the earlier part of the 19th century, the engineering requirements of the army preponderated over those of other departments, and there came into being a Public Works Department (PWD) under the control of the Military Board in the middle of 19th century. The Corps of Engineers who were entirely military in character manned the department. In 1866, the PWD, which was manned largely by the Military Engineers, was divided into Military Works Branch, Civil Works Branch including Irrigation and Railway Branch.
Military Works Branch was designated as Military Works Services in 1899, and its head, the Director General Military Works (DGMW) had the right of direct communication with the Commander-in-Chief on all matters affecting his Department. Military Works Services was further designated as Military Engineer Services in 1923 and its role is briefly described in the following except taken from Army Instruction of 4 December 1923.
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LDC PAPER (05-10-2020) MCQs
select the correct tense used in the sentence “the weather will have changed before we reach there” from the given Choice:
- Present Perfect Tense
- Future Perfect Tense
- Future Indefinite Tense
- Future Perfect Continuous Tense
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Marke the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence “Aslam decided to __________ Jogging as he needed to lose weight ” from the given choices.
- Go against
- Take up
- Run app
- Get at
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Fill in the blank by inserting appropriate preposition in the statement “Nobody in our group has a genius _______ winning friend and convincing people”
- of
- on
- in
- for
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mark the similar of word “Quest” from given choice.
- Trial
- Search
- Test
- Decision
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Make the adjective used in the sentence “We have put in the suitcase all pressed shirts” from the given choice
- suitcase
- pressed
- shirts
- none of these
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Select the correct Indirect Speech of the sentence, She said, “my book is new” from the given options:
- she told that my book was new
- she told that her book is new
- she told that she has new book
- she told that she possess new book
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choose the correct Word
- Concious
- Conscious
- Conseious
- none of these
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Select the correct passive voice speech of the sentence “I am writing a letter” from the given choice
- A letter has been written by me
- Aletter has written by me
- A letter is being written by me
- A letter was being written by me
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Select the opposite word “Retreat” from the given choice
- Flight
- Evacuation
- Advance
- Ebb
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Mark the correct meaning of the idiom “tooth and nails” from the given option
- Without any weapon
- Vary Cowardly
- Resorting
- With all their might
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- چین
- ایران
- افغانستان
- بھارت
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Which of the following current Chief Minister of Balochistan?
- Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo
- Jam Ghulam Qadir Khan
- Sanaullah Khan Zehri
- Jam Kamal Khan
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آل پارٹیز حریت کانفرنس مقبوضہ کشمیر کا قیام کب عمل میں آیا
- 1947
- 1965
- 1973
- 1993
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کشمیر میں لائن آف کنٹرول کی لمبائی کتنی ہے؟
- 840 km
- 1200 km
- 740 km
- 1300 km
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پاکستان کو آب وہوا کے لحاظ سے کتنے خطوں میں تقسیم کیا گیا ہے
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
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بابائے قوم قائداعظم کو یہ نام سب سے پہلے کس نے دیا
- علامہ اقبال
- مولانا ظفرعلی خان
- قاضی محمد اکبر
- مولانا مظہرالدین
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منکرین زکوۃ کے خلاف جہاد کا آغاز کس نے کیا؟
- ؓحضرت علی
- حضرت ابوبکرؓ
- ؓحضرت عثمان
- حضرت عمبرؓ
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توحید کی ضد کیا ہے
- وحد
- اپنی ذات میں ایک ہونا
- شرک
- تمام
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اسلام میں عورتوں کے لئے پردے کا حکم کب ہوا
- یکم ہجری
- دو ہجری
- تین ہجری
- چار ہجری
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کس غزوہ میں اللہ نے مسلمانوں کی نصرت کے لئے فرشتوں کو اتارا؟
- غزوہ بدر
- غزوہ احد
- غزوہ خندق
- غزوہ خیبر
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چالیس ہجری میں کس خلیفہ کی شہادت ہوئی
- ؓحضرت عثمان
- ؓ حضرت علی
- ؓحضرت عمر
- ؓحضرت امام حسین
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نماز خسوف کس موقع پر پڑھی جاتی ہے
- سورج گرہن
- زلزلہ
- چاند گرہن
- بہت بارش
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کس صحابی رسول کو “سیف اللہ” کا لقب ملا
- ؓحضرت علی
- ؓ حضرت عثمان
- ؓ حضرت خالد بن ولید
- حضرت طلحہؓ
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?حضرت ابراہیم نے آگ میں کتنے روز گزارے
- 15
- 20
- 30
- 40
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عورتوں میں سب سے پہلے اسلام کس نے قبول کیا
- ؓحضرت خد یجہ
- ؓحضرت عائشہ
- ؓ حضرت فاطمہ بی بی
- ؓحضرت سمیہ
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قرآن پاک کی پہلی وحی کے موقع پر کتنی آیات نازل ہوئیں
- ایک
- تین
- پانچ
- دس
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