Earth complete one rotation on its axis in _______.
- 23 hours and 30 mints
- 23 hours and 56 mints and 4.9 seconds
- 24 hours
- 24 hours and 1 mints and 10 seconds
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The commonly used colour pigments in paints is
- Ambers
- Carbon black
- Iron oxide
- All of the above
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The International Dateline passes through the:
- Malacca Strait
- Bering Strait
- Gibraltar Strait
- Florida Strait
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What is the new maximum temperature that has been recorded in Antarctica?
- 19.3 C
- 18.3 C
- 17.3 C
- 16.3 C
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Greenwich main time is ___ hours behind of Pakistan standard time.
- 4
- 4:30
- 5
- 5:30
- None
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Seasoning is
- A process of removing sap
- Creosoting
- Painting with sodium silicate
- Coasting with tar
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A well conditioned triangle has no angle less than
- 20 degree
- 30 degree
- 45 degree
- 60 degree
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The normal curing period for the lime mortar is
- 1 day
- 3 days
- 7 days
- 14 days
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In paints the pigment is responsible for
- Durability
- Colour
- Smoothness
- Glassy Face
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When constant force applied ___ moves uniform?
- Velocity
- Motion
- Energy
- None
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At what angle above the horizon must the sun to be create a rainbow:
- 90 degrees
- 60 degrees
- 40 degrees
- 65 degrees
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The change in moisture content of soils, changes the
- Value of angle of repose
- Amount of compaction required
- Cohesive strength of soils
- All of the above
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The force which is caused by the rotation of the earth in as perpendicular direction and will therefore change the direction of the wind is called
- Radiative Forces
- Cyclone
- Coriolis Forces
- Gravitation Forces
- All of these
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Most Commercial airplanes fly in the lower part of this layer:
- Stratosphere
- Biosphere
- Lithosphere
- None
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The intersecting lines drawn on maps and globs are:
- Latitude
- Longitudes
- Geographic grids
- None
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Speed of earth to revolve around the sun?
- 18,5 m/s
- 10,5 m/s
- 100 m/s
- None
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The earth ___ around the sun:
- Roaming
- Revolves
- Stand
- Biggest
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The sun always rise in the east because ____
- The earth revolves around the sun from west to east
- The earth rotates from west to east
- The earth rotates from east to west
- It is located in east
- None
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In which month is the Earth the closest to the sun?
- February
- January
- April
- May
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The shortest day of the year is:
- 21 December
- 22 June
- 21 January
- 21 November
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In how many time zones has the world been divided?
- 24
- 1.5
- 30
- 30
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What is a chronometer?
- Al highly accurate time piece which is used to keep Greenwich meantime
- An instrument used to measure the degree of latitude
- A scale which tells the distance between any tow places
- All of these
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The local time of a place is known with reference to its ___________?
- Longitudinal position
- Distance from the capital city
- Latitudinal position
- All of these
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The latitude of a point on the earth is measured by the distance in?
- Kilometres from the equators
- Kilometres from the poles
- Angles from the poles
- Angles from the equator
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USA is divided into how many time zones?
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
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The International Date-line is located in the _________ Ocean?
- Atlantic Ocean
- Indian Ocean
- Pacific Ocean
- Arctic Ocean
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One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of__?
- 79 miles
- 69 miles
- 59 miles
- 49 miles
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The earth turns through 360
- One hour
- One hour
- Forty-five minutes
- None
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Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the standard time of which of the following countries?
- China
- Germany
- UK
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Sense of time is due to__________?
- Revolution of earth
- Rotation of moon
- Rotation of earth
- All of these
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When ship crosses Dateline from west to east?
- It gains one day
- It loses one day
- It gains one day
- None of these
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If the difference in time between two places were 2 hours and 20 minutes, then the difference in their longitude would be:
- 20
- 30
- 35
- 40
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Which is the farthest from the centre of the earth?
- Equator
- Tropic of Capricorn
- South Pole
- Antarctic circle
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Latitude of South Pole is?
- 40
- 60
- 80
- 90
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Days and nights are equal throughout the globe when the sun is above:
- Tropic of Cancer
- Poles
- Equator
- equinox
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If a place is located at 20?
- Asia
- Africa
- Europe
- None of these
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Tropic of Cancer passes through which of the following countries?
- Mauritania,
- Mexico, Libya,
- Saudi Arabia, India
- All of these
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Which of the following longitudes is the standard meridian of Pakistan?
- 74°22’E
- 83°30’E
- 77°28’E
- None of these
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The shortest day occurs in the Northern hemisphere is on_____?
- 22nd December
- 22nd November
- 22nd June
- 22nd March
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Which of the following cities is the closest to the Equator?
- Mogadishu
- Colombo
- Manila
- Singapore
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The International Date Line is _______?
- 180° longitude
- 0° longitude
- 90° east longitude
- Equator
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Which is the only continent through which the Tropic of Cancer, Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn passes?
- Africa
- Asia
- South Africa
- None of these
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The number of longitudes are
- 180
- 360
- 200
- 400
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The difference between G.M.T. and PKT is
- 5 Hours
- 5 Hours 30 Mint
- 4 Hours
- 12 Hours
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The Earth is divided into western and eastern hemispheres by the ______?
- Antarctic Meridian
- Prime Meridian
- Arctic Meridian
- Latin Meridian
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Considering the longitudes, the degrees of International Date Line are _____?
- 120°W
- 0°
- 180°
- 150°E
- 360°
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The places lying in Eastern Hemisphere see the sunlight before Western Hemisphere because Earth rotates from ______?
- south to north
- east to west
- north to south
- west to east
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The calendar days of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres are separated by ____?
- International Date Line
- Antarctic Date Line
- Latin Date line
- Arctic Date Line
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The Greenwich is located near _____?
- London
- Switzerland
- Belgium
- None
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Degree of Greenwich in England
- 0 degree
- 6 degree
- 2 degree
- None
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