“Colorado river” is located in ________ ?
- Canada
- U.K
- Australia
- None of the above
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Himalayan rivers are perennial because
- There is continuous rain throughout the year in the catchment areas
- They flow from inexhaustible springs in the Himalayas
- They are fed in summer by melting snow of the Himalayas
- None of these
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Which is the longest river of USA _____?
- Yukon River
- Mississippi River
- Missouri River
- none of the above
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Washington is located on which river?
- Potomac River
- Porali river
- Thames River
- None
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River Nile flows through which of the following cities____?
- Tripoli
- Damascus
- Cairo
- Aden
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Mirani Dam is located on which river?
- Bolan
- Jhelum
- Dashat
- Hub
- None of the above
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Total length of Amazon river
- 4,345 miles
- 6,992 km
- Both
- None
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Which of the following rivers is called “Father of Waters”?
- Indus
- Amazon
- Nile
- Congo
- None of these
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The Length of Suez Canal is?
- 120 kms
- 193 kms
- 200 kms
- 170 kms
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Delta is formed by
- Sees
- Rivers
- Lakes
- All of these
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The longest river in Europe is
- Amazon River
- Danube River
- Volga River
- Ural River
- Don River
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Which is the largest river in Asia?
- Indus
- Yangtze
- Ganges
- Mekong
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Which of the following river does not form Delta before falling into sea?
- Amazon River
- Ok Tedi River
- Columbia River
- All of these
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Agra city is located on the bank of river
- Yamuna
- Chanab
- Ganga
- None
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Which of the following river flows in Canada_________?
- Mackenzie River
- Nelson River
- Fraser River
- All of the above
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Which of the following river is located in Iraq:
- Lena
- Oxus
- Volga
- Euphrates
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Kotri barrage is situated on river ______.
- Indus
- Jhelum
- Chennab
- Ravi
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The lowest point on Earth is ?
- Dead Sea
- Indian Ocean
- River Nile
- None
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Which of the following river is without delta?
- Narmada River
- St. Lawrence
- Indus
- Both A and B
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The warm Gulf Stream originating in the North Atlantic Ocean carries about 150 times more water than the:
- Nile River
- Danube River
- Mississippi River
- Amazon River
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Which river is known as mother of rivers
- The Mekong river
- River Thames
- Amazon river
- Both
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The word Hindu is derived from the Sanskrit word Sindhu which means:
- The land of deserts
- The Land of seven rivers
- The Land of ten rivers
- None
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The world second longest river is?
- Nile
- Amazon
- Indus
- Yangtze
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Which is the longest river passing through Germany?
- Dunabe
- Rhine
- Thames
- None
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The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia. It is approximately length ____?
- 6,300 km, (3915 miles)
- 7,109 km, (4417.32780 miles)
- 5,400 km, (3355 miles)
- 5,100 km, (3168 miles)
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Which of the following river passes the Equator twice?
- Congo
- Nile
- Amazon
- None
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A ship recently blocked which trade route causing the world economy to lose million of Dollars?
- Strait of Malacca
- Red Sea
- Indus River
- Suez Canal
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What Is the Longest River in the World?
- Nile
- Amazon
- Missi pissi
- Yangtze
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List of the major rivers of the World.
- Check in detials
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Which is the longest river in South America?
- perua
- Amazon
- Gigi
- Enio
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Which became the first river in the world to be granted the same legal rights as that of human beings on 15 March 2017?
- Yangtze
- Ganga
- Whanganui
- None of these
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Name the river in the world which carries the maximum volume of water?
- Amazon
- Nile
- Indus
- Mississippi
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The shortest river (Roe River) of the world is located in______?
- Congo
- Russia
- China
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World-famous Kaieteur Falls is situated on which river?
- Indus River
- Potaro River
- Roe River
- Missisippi River
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“Amur River” one of the tenth longest rivers in the world is in which continent?
- Arctic
- Europe
- Asia
- Africa
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Which is the deepest river in the world?
- Nile
- Amazon
- Congo
- None of these
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Basin is a low land area. Which are the largest basins in the face of the earth?
- Rivers
- Oceans
- Seas
- All of these
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Where would you find the River Thames____?
- London
- Spain
- Scotland
- None of the above
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What is its approximate length of Nile which is the longest river of the world?
- 6670 km
- 6810 km
- 6375 km
- 6754 km
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River Nile originated from ___
- Egypt
- India
- Tibet
- None
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which of following is known as gift of Nile?
- Egypt
- Israel
- Jordan
- None
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In which country lies the source of river Nille?
- Jordan
- Egypt
- Israel
- None
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Most of the water in the Northern part of subcontinent comes from:
- Lakes
- Sea
- Rivers
- Land
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The World busiest inland Waterway is?
- Rhine
- Yangtze
- Mississippi
- St. Lawrence
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Before discharging the foul sewage into rivers it is generally treated by
- Screening
- Sedimentation
- Oxidation
- All of the above
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