Constitutional And Political History Of Pakistan 3rd Editon By Hamid Khan
“Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan” is a book written by Hamid Khan that provides a comprehensive overview of the constitutional and political history of Pakistan.
The book covers a range of topics including the constitutional developments in Pakistan since its creation in 1947, the role of different actors such as politicians, bureaucrats, and military rulers in shaping the political landscape of the country, and the key issues and challenges facing Pakistan’s political system.
The author examines the various constitutions that have been adopted in Pakistan, including the 1956, 1962, 1973 constitutions, and their impact on the political system of the country.
The book also covers the various political parties and movements that have emerged in Pakistan over the years, including the Pakistan Muslim League, Pakistan Peoples Party, and the religious parties. The author analyzes their ideologies, leadership, and their role in shaping the political discourse in the country.
In addition, the book delves into the challenges and issues facing Pakistan’s political system, including corruption, economic inequality, and religious extremism. The author offers insights into how these challenges can be addressed through constitutional and political reforms.
Overall, “Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan” provides a detailed and insightful analysis of the country’s political and constitutional history. It is a valuable resource for students, scholars, policymakers, and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of Pakistan’s political landscape.
The link to Download Constitutional And Political History Of Pakistan Pdf Book is Given Below.
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