FPSC Past Papers MCQs – Federal Public Service Commission Past Paper MCQs – FPSC MCQs – Federal Public Service Commission MCQs –

The Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) is a federal agency of Government of Pakistan that is responsible for recruiting civil servants and bureaucrats for Government of Pakistan.

The Public Service Commission was set up for the first time in British colonial rule in 1926. After independence, the commission was established in Pakistan in 1947 under the provision of Government of Pakistan Act.

At present, the commission is functioning under article 242 of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It has been provided autonomy under the Rules of Business, 1973 and FPSC Regulations, 1978 in its working. The commission has also been given administrative as well as, to some extent,

CSS (Central Superior Services of Pakistan) is a competitive examination through which FPSC recruits the bureaucrats. It is the biggest competitive examination of Pakistan for recruiting bureaucrats

The commission consists of a chairman and the members. The chairman is appointed by the President of Pakistan, in his discretion, under Article 242 (IA) of the Constitution of Pakistan (1973). The members are appointed by the president on the advice of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The commission is assisted by the secretary, who provides a link among the commission, its secretariat and the government agencies.


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FAQ About FPSC and CSS Exam.

What is FPSC exam?

Federal Public Service Commission carries out FPSC test for the recruitment of bureaucrats for serving the nation. The commission or FPSC stand for providing people information and services with transparency concerning the provision of civil jobs and public job positions.

What is FPSC exam in Pakistan?

CSS is a competitive examination through which FPSC recruits the bureaucrats. It is the biggest competitive examination of Pakistan for recruiting bureaucrats.

CSS Exam – Medical Test | CSS Psychological Test | CSS Interview | CSS Viva Voce

Who can apply for FPSC?

For all FPSC Jobs Masters / Bachelors’ in the relevant discipline from HEC recognized university is required to apply. Relevant skills are compulsory for every vacant post. The age of the applicant should be between 20 to 35 years.

Can I apply for CSS after ADP?

Yes, students having Associate Degree (ADP) or any other two years bachelor degree are eligible for CSS.

For Official Site of FPSC Please Visit –



Serial no of Surah Yaseen w.r.t Surahs in Quran is ____?

  1. 36th
  2. 34th
  3. 32th
  4. 30th
  5. 15th

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77 : 84 :: 121 : ?

  1. 132
  2. 144
  3. 188
  4. 212
  5. None of the above

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Pakistan became independant on:

  1. Ramzan 27 (1366)
  2. Shawal 27 (1366)
  3. Muharram 27 (1366)
  4. Rajab 27 (1366)
  5. None of the above

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The currency of Japan is:

  1. Dollar
  2. Lira
  3. Yen
  4. Dinar

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Before designing a public park, the architect must ________ the public.

  1. Consider
  2. Considers
  3. Considered
  4. None of the above

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Nuclear energy is __________ dangerous to be used widely.

  1. So
  2. Much
  3. Too
  4. That

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Fill in the appropriate answers in the blanks for the below indicated situations: 8, 6, 7, 5, 6, 4

  1. 3
  2. 9
  3. 5
  4. 7

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Fill in the appropriate answers in the blanks for the below indicated situations: 21, 20, 18, 15, 11

  1. 26
  2. 17
  3. 8
  4. 6

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Fill in the appropriate answers in the blanks for the below indicated situations: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5

  1. 8
  2. 7
  3. 10
  4. 6

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Fill in the appropriate answers in the blanks for the below indicated situations: 0, 1, 3, 6, 10

  1. 16
  2. 15
  3. 12
  4. 6

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The day after the day after tomorrow is four days before Monday. What day is it today?

  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday

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What number best completes the analogy. 8: 4 as 10

  1. 3
  2. 7
  3. 24
  4. 5

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Which of the following can be arranged into a 5-letter English word?

  1. H R G S T
  2. R I L S A
  3. T O O M B D
  4. W Q R G S

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What number should come next in the pattern? 37, 34, 31, 28

  1. 23
  2. 25
  3. 21
  4. 30

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Find the correct answer that best completes the analogy. Book is to reading as fork is to?

  1. Drawing
  2. Writing
  3. Stirring
  4. Eating

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Add one letter (from the choices) to make new word. RING Select appropriate answer from the following.

  1. T
  2. Z
  3. B
  4. C

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Which letter is midway between the 8th letter from A and 7th letter from Z? Select appropriate answer from following:

  1. N
  2. M
  3. L
  4. P

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The first and intermost circle around Kaaba is ____?

  1. Masjid ul Haram
  2. Makkah Mukkarma
  3. Haram
  4. Mowaqeet

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Which pass connects Gilgit-baltistan with China ____?

  1. Bolan Pass
  2. Khojak Pass
  3. Dorah Pass
  4. Khunjerab Pass

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Who was the second chief of staff of Pakistan army __?

  1. Gen. Aslam Baig Mirza
  2. Gen. Jehangir Karamat
  3. Gen. Tikka Khan
  4. Gen. Zia Ul Haq

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Chasma is situated in___?

  1. Kundian
  2. Kallarkot
  3. Daud Khel
  4. Bhakkar

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Tenure of president Muhammad Ayoub Khan was ___?

  1. 27th October 1958 to 25th March 1969
  2. 27th October 1956 to 25th March 1965
  3. 27th October 1958 to 25 March 1965
  4. None of the above

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The first European to reach India by sea was___?

  1. Christopher Columbus
  2. Macro Polo
  3. John Cabot
  4. Vasco Da Gama

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The great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest of the seven wonders of the world, located in ____?

  1. Egypt
  2. Portugal
  3. Switzerland
  4. Turkey

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Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul is popularly known as ___?

  1. Green Mosque
  2. Blue Mosque
  3. Red Mosque
  4. Yellow mosque

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Which device is required for the internet connection___?

  1. Joystick
  2. Modem
  3. CD drive
  4. NIC card

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What type of resource is most likely to be a shared common resource in a computer network?

  1. Printers
  2. Speakers
  3. Floppy Disk Drives
  4. Keyboards

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A CPU contains____?

  1. A card reader and a printing device
  2. An analytical engine and a control unit
  3. A control unit and an arithmetic logic unit
  4. An arithmetic logic and a card reader
  5. None

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CCTV stands for

  1. Closed-circuit television
  2. Closed-circuit transmission
  3. both
  4. None of the above

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Which of the following are the components of Central Processing Unit (CPU)___?

  1. Arithmetic logic unit, Mouse
  2. Arithmetic logic Unit, Control Unit
  3. Arithmetic logic unit, integrated circuits
  4. Control Unit, Monitor

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The brain of any computer is ___?

  1. ALU
  2. Memory
  3. CPU
  4. Central Unit

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What type of operating system MS Dos is___?

  1. Command Line Interface
  2. Graphical Line Interface
  3. Multitasking
  4. Menu Drawn Interface

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WWW stands for ____?

  1. World Whole Web
  2. Wide World Web
  3. Web World Wild
  4. World Wide Web

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A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is _____?

  1. Keyboard
  2. Scanner
  3. OMR
  4. None of the above

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If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as ____.

  1. Uniprocess
  2. Multiprocessor
  3. Multi_threaded
  4. Multi programming

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Shortcut key to insert a new worksheet in Excel is _____.

  1. Shift + F8
  2. Shift + F9
  3. Shift + F10
  4. Shift + F11

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_______ is the short key to select the entire column in Excel.

  1. Alt + space bar
  2. Shift + space bar
  3. Control + space bar
  4. None of the above

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Before designing a public park, the architect must ____ the public.

  1. Consider
  2. Considers
  3. Recognize
  4. Recognizes

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The woman ____ is standing by the table works in electric media.

  1. Who
  2. Whose
  3. Whom
  4. Which

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Amna and Tanya went shopping, but ____ couldn’t find anything ____ liked.

  1. They, Those
  2. They, theme
  3. They, those
  4. They, they

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While UK has earned record revenue this year, _____ well behind in exports.

  1. It still lag
  2. It still lags
  3. It lag still
  4. It lags still

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Synonym of “Miserable”

  1. Object
  2. Obstruct
  3. Depressed
  4. Abstract

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The new office-bearers have ___ changed the situation.

  1. Completely
  2. Extremely
  3. Fully
  4. None of the above

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Our country needs a number of ______ social workers.

  1. Uninterested
  2. Disinterested
  3. Self-centered
  4. None of the above

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After dinner, grandmother used to tell us stories while ____ old socks.

  1. Sewing
  2. Stitching
  3. Darning
  4. None of the above

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What the term “short story” stands for___?

  1. A long prose fiction
  2. A story of figurative language
  3. A story of many characters
  4. A short prose fiction

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Skyscraper means:

  1. A large building, typically of the medieval period
  2. A very tall building of many storeys
  3. Private room or a compartment on a ship
  4. A small house, typically one in the country

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The study of coins is known as:

  1. Kingpin
  2. Cardiology
  3. Numismatics
  4. None of the above

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