“Chennai” is the new name of which Indian city?
- Patna
- Madras
- Agra
- Lucknow
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“Capital Punishment” means
- Life in prison
- 10 years in prison
- Death penalty
- None of the above
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“Colorado river” is located in ________ ?
- Canada
- U.K
- Australia
- None of the above
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“In the Line of Fire” is the autobiography of:
- Musharaf
- Benazir Bhutto
- Zia-Ul-Haq
- Asif Zardari
- None of the above
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“My leader “is a biography which is written by_________?
- Ziauddin Ahmed Suleri
- Ameer Ali
- K.K Aziz
- Parvez Musharaf
- None of these
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‘Aksai Chin’ is a disputed area between:
- China and India
- China and Pakistan
- India and Pakistan
- India and Nepal
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Why is there a severe difference in the climates of Northern and Southern Hemisphere?
- Due to the rotation of the earth around the sun of its orbit
- Due to rotation of the earth around its axis
- None of these
- Both a& b
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Himalayan rivers are perennial because
- There is continuous rain throughout the year in the catchment areas
- They flow from inexhaustible springs in the Himalayas
- They are fed in summer by melting snow of the Himalayas
- None of these
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